Robots will play a prominent role than Doctors in Healthcare Industry. The current pandemic made the healthcare service provider think twice about technology investment as the future has relied on technology alone. The pandemic and COVID-19 virus need contactless treatment to avoid the spread of the virus. Robots played a prominent role in hospitals and healthcare units that took care of patients without the human touch.
While the discussion of robots replacing human work remains active and continues to the next level of acceptance, the monotonous work in which nurses, other health care employees can be avoided by implementing robots in the system. For example, cleaning the floor, getting medicine from the pharmacy, and make the employees focus on the job assigned, like taking care of patients. We have to treat technology advancement as a job simplifier than a threat.
Listed are a few types of robots making an impact in the industry and will be widely adopted within the next few years:
Surgical Robots
The wait for doctors’ availability can be overcome, with the help of surgical robots. Many times we tend to see patients wait for doctors’ schedules and, the surgery and the treatment take much longer time than expected. The Surgical robots are proven, with accuracy and, the market will expand to $6.4 billion by 2021. da Vinci robot, which is widely used was launched 15 years back and, it is one of the advanced surgical robots in the market.
Companies like Google, Johnson & Johnson are working on coming up with customized surgical solution robots. 2021, is dedicated to innovative and cost-effective robotic solutions.
Disinfector and blood extraction robots
In the hospital, the patients interact with nurses and deal with the lab technicians to take blood samples and conduct the required test. Taking care of their hygiene and testing the blood sample is a difficult task and staying away from the infected patients and carrying out the test. There are robots designed to draw blood from your body and securely transfer it to the testing unit and conduct the testing.
The blood draw is a monotonous task, and the robots are programmed to take blood from the body for testing.
Telemedical Network
Telemedicine is changing the healthcare industry in various ways right from the time where the emergency doctors or the required treatment was not available to the solution having information available in a single touch. Telemedicine solutions are available, to all remote locations and, emergency treatments for cardiac arrest, heart attack, or any major health-related issues are handled with ease.
The concept is broadly implemented in the movies and videos so far. However, this is real now as the exoskeletons are manufactured and are used extensively across the healthcare industry. We have examples where the exoskeleton is used for partially paralyzed patients that help them to walk and carry them. A French-man, equipped with an exoskeleton and with the help of a mind-controlled chip, he could move all four of his paralyzed limb. More example is witnessed across the world where investment and technology advancement is helping people to overcome paralysis.
Robots in the supply chain
Robots can embrace routine work and, in addition to that, they can also be programmed, for example, moving substantial boxes or testing arrangements. For instance, one of Boston Dynamics’ robots, Petman, was intended for testing compound security garments for the U.S. military. It’s likewise valuable in crisis circumstances that are excessively hazardous for people.
Past robots that could put in circumstances conceivably hurtful for people, advanced mechanics could affect drug appropriation chains, as well. Mechanical clinical distributor frameworks, drug the board arrangements, for example, the PharmASSIST ROBOTx help any given office “right-size” its framework for its volume. It is additionally an arising best practice that these robots are planned, with the powerful information mining capacities, so drug stores can increase significant experiences about their traffic and effectiveness constantly.
Robo disinfector
The pandemic has made us realize the need of maintaining social distancing and contactless daily work. The contactless system is further carried post-pandemic as well. The new bots are helping to clean the room and spray disinfector without the human touch.
The smallest but most effective in today’s world is nanotechnology and how the minute capsule with the camera is capturing the body structure inside and, any further problem or any health problems is resolved, that is infecting the inner part of the body.
The robots will create a new era of technology adoption that will simplify the patient treatment and ease the functionality within the hospital and clinics while we wait for what next in technology and robotic solutions, the companies and startups are already on their toes providing unique tech to the industry.
To take the benefits and avoid the potential technological revolution, we need to keep ourselves informed about the strides that science makes so that we can better adapt to the not-so-distant future where medical robots play a crucial role and work closely with us.